

Pretty ingenious concept, actually.

Added in Interesting, Food


  • Robochess 10 years ago

    I love this. Having worked in the coffee world for 20 years, smarty phones may be a huge help to indy shops. Unfortunately, where I live, there are only a couple of places I go for coffee that is better then Starbies, and to get there takes me about 30-40 mins out of my way. Sad. So, those are special treats.


    • glen

      glen 10 years ago

      I'm fortunate to live in a college town with lots of great indie coffee shops. I feel bad for you that there aren't many choices better than SBUX! That's a crime.


      • Robochess 10 years ago

        I hear that. It should be a crime. I am a walking sob story. My home roaster also just died:( If you hear of a good roaster please post so that I can ck it out. And next time you are at your favorite spot, exhale that bit of heaven and sip that sweet beverage for me please, and thank you.


        • glen

          glen 10 years ago

          You know, I have a friend who basically uses something like a spit on his bbq grill. It's the craziest thing, but it works for him.

          Next time I'm at the spot I'll take a sip, and then pour a little out onto the floor for my good buddy Robochess :)
