


  • bryce.piper.39

    bryce.piper.39 9 years, 11 months ago

    While I like that this brings attention to the topic, this graphic and the article linked focus on the most horrific and traumatic injuries. Complicating matters is the fact that most (no statistical data to back this up) VA claim injuries are not as visible or attention-grabbing. As a Marine about to retire in a year, there's a laundry list of service-related medical issues I'll claim. To look at me, there's nothing wrong. What you can't see is tinnitus, hearing loss, PTSD/anxiety/depression, blown knees, back pain, etc. Service members like me as well as those with more visible sacrifices all deserve the compensation due. The size of issue as a whole is gargantuan and there's no easy fix for the VA.
