


  • egro 9 years, 2 months ago

    Meh, we don't really need the National Prayer Breakfast at all. It's a relic from the 50s designed to differentiate the US from the "godless communists."

    I agree that the Crusades aren't really a fair comparison to ISIS, but we also shouldn't condemn all of Islam for the actions of the minority (although I think it is fair to ask the majority to be responsible for tempering the minority).


    • ahnyerkeester

      ahnyerkeester 9 years, 2 months ago

      You know, I think you have a point. National Prayer Breakfasts kind of turn into a political football rather than a time to pray. Though, I don't doubt there are people who do pray, earnestly, at them. They are a bunch of show.

      I don't think many credible people are blaming Islam in general for what the extremists are doing.
