

I don't confess to know much about WikiLeaks other than a random article here and there for the past 6 years.

I HAVE often been wary of groups that hold this much power with no checks and balances.

Added in Interesting


  • Razorback

    Razorback 7 years, 6 months ago

    I struggle with WikiLeaks. On one hand, I see them as hackers who are potentially risking security. On the other, they bring forward proof of things we all suspected but could not prove (DNC, Clinton, etc.). Regardless, I have never cared for Assange and this article basically supports those feelings.


    • glen

      glen 7 years, 6 months ago

      I'm exactly of the same mind. WikiLeaks/Assange share a few too similarities of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI (IF the above article was, in fact, true).


    • bean

      bean 7 years, 6 months ago

      Agreed, I guess there is a love/hate relationship at play here. I am left unsure how to resolve it. Until I figure out how, I will say that like many areas of life there must be balance. Balance of what we knkw about big government, what big government knows about us. Balance of the sacred and secular. Balance of work and home. Balance of Gentlemint and sleep as I type at 1209 EST! Good night, friends! 0550 will come all too early!


      • glen

        glen 7 years, 6 months ago

        Great thoughts, Bean. Balance is the key! The thing that's great about this website is that it's shown me that in general, people are much more level-headed than media and politicians would lend us to believe.

        I think most people would nod their head in agreement to what you've typed. Instead, it's made to look like there are only two sides to this issue, and everyone is either really for or against.
