

Char-Griller Charcoal Chimney with Release

If you've ever used a charcoal chimney before, you know the perils of trying to dump the white-hot charocal out into a smoker or grill. It can be dangerous business.

The Char-Griller Charcoal Chimney Starter is a simple but great product because it takes the scary part of dumping charcoal by adding a release. Not only that, the hottest coals are on the bottom, and when you dump them from the top of the chimney, that means the hottest coals are burning on top, which isn't ideal.

The chimney starter is coated with zinc, and made from 0.6mm galvanized steel. The E-Z starter release is patented, and makes placing the charcoal a breeze.

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At the time of posting the price was $14.