

Diamond Snow Cleats

Winter is here, and so are the wonderful side affects of snow and ice. There’s nothing worse than slip-sliding around your driveway as you try to shovel ice and snow. These ICETrekkers Diamond Grip snow cleats can be a fall-saving solution.

While the cleats aren’t made from diamonds as the name suggests, they are made from a case-hardened steel alloy and strung together with steel aircraft cable, which just sounds impressive. The design should fit on boots, tennis shoes, dress shoes, even stiletto heels. Ok, maybe not the heels.

They have a self-clearing design that prevents the snow and ice from building up underfoot, meaning you don’t have to constantly stomp around to clear the cleats. The sling will remain elastic even in bitter cold conditions.

These cleats are very highly-rated, and are easy to slip on and off.

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At the time of posting the price was $42.