

No matter if you’re using a machete in the Amazon or plane shrapnel on a deserted tropical island, you know what you’re doing when it comes to shaving. You consider it an art form, especially with your five o’clock shadow that can light a match. That’s why when it come to your beard, you need some serious tools and let’s face it—sometimes a machete can be tough to bring on a commercial flight. But no worries my friend, the Six Shooter Shaving Brush ($150) is a perfect blend of danger and precision, not to mention it can fit easily in any traveling toiletry bag, like your Recycled Inner Tube Bag. Shaped to look like the fully loaded cylinder of a revolver gun, this brush blends civility and danger into your morning routine perfectly. It delivers the right amount of shaving cream to your face with 100% badger hair bristles. So although you can’t always shave by sword, you can definitely always bring adventure to your face with this excellent piece of shaving artillery.

Added in Guns