
I thought we should check out some more obscure & adventurous styles of moustaches today…partly due to the dream I had last night. It was your classic “Viking Dream”, nothing original there. You know the one where you find yourself clad in Viking attire and pillaging a village of defenseless farmers? We’ve all had it but as soon as we wake it’s gone…but not this one. I woke with a full on Viking stache, braids and all! Of course this was only dream residue which slowly evaporated and I was just left staring in the mirror at my un-waxed stache spread every which way, unimpressed…ho-hum.
But the dream stuck with me. I found myself throughout the day Googling “Viking Moustache Styles”. Surely someone out there is rocking one…but no. All I found for images were costume wigs and fake facial fur. You would think in this current atmosphere of fury glory someone would be flaunting this bold fashion statement at a competition, yet I found nothing. Determined, I decided to focus on some moustache styles that you really can’t find nowadays in hopes that some inspiration will be gleaned from it and someday soon someone will be walking away with a 1st place medal for their version of Vlad The Destroyer, the ever festive Mistletoe, the Boxcar, or any of the rest we are about to be reintroduced to. If this list doesn’t move you to steal the stage at your next competition, briss, or wedding, at the very least it may inspire you to Viking raid a renaissance fair with some good friends, or hop a freight train to nowhere. Enjoy!