

A few years ago I found myself oft traveling within a railway car during l'heure verte, but woefully separated by miles of track from the tender care of the green fairy. In an effort to end this savage condition, I put together this travel kit. It contains enough essence of the fai verte and serving utensils for myself and an adventurous travel companion. The conductor or service can usually provide cold bottled water. One is then but a few minutes from being carried away on the louche accompanied by the rhythmic clack of the train. Travel then passes much more enjoyably and quickly. There is also room for other vials for those who prefer Ginvieve and her consorts. I have indeed traveled with Count Negroni's cabinet at hand.

Card case from Office Depot
Easily stowed stemware from REI
Vials from Sunburst Bottle Co.
A repurposed pastille tin filled with sucre
Absinthe spoon

One could also fit a broulliere/dripper of the right size/design

Thank heavens Amtrak still is civilized enough to allow its passengers to truly sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.