

A smart manly man once said, "If you don't want people to have issues with something, simply don't let it be a mystery. If something is a mystery, people are going to have an issue with it."

"For Men Only" seeks to remove some of the murky, cloudy mystery of women.
Can't figure out what makes her tick? Tired of wondering what's going on inside her head? Find answers - and revolutionize your relationship - with this groundbreaking "tell all" guide. Only recently revised and updated, "For Men Only" should be required reading for every manly man.

Written in a straight-forward, easy to understand style, "For Men Only" very well may be one of the most important books you will ever read. Written based on hard, factual, scientific studies and thousands of interviews, this book really does reveal the "secrets" of why women think they way they do, what they are feeling and why. By making incredibly small changes to how you, as a manly man, interact with the special woman in your life, you can easily become the man of her dreams - each and every day for the rest of her life! It is possible - so, the question isn't "should you read 'For Men Only'." The question is, "are you man enough?"