

I thoroughly enjoyed the film. The Wolverine character(Jackman), provided the best of laughs. My babe Lucas Hill(Actor name - not sure of the character name in the film) was special as always is. heeheh. The plot from what I could gather Wolverine was sent back in time from the future by Charles(Stewart). Now the film did go backwards and forwards from the future to the past and the past to the future etc., You had to keep you're eye on the screen. NO Question of it. I was most impressed with the action by Fassbenders character Magneto. But the cleptomaniac character towards the begging, Maximoff who by the is very cute provided great laughs and comical aspects of the film. The film continues to realise the audience that Mistique was wanting to kill Trask for a reason of which I don't have too much memory of. Trask is a company owned by Bolivar Trask(The small guy).

Bottommline, film most enjoyable, comical, BUT keep an eye on the screen. If you look away, you've lost the plot to the film. I was able to keep any eye on the characters etc.,

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