

I have so many questions and objections - this article doesn't make any sense? Science may be able to explain the how, but never the why. It can explain the what, but not the purpose. The "faith" Sean Carrol puts in science is just as astounding and even more incomprehensible than the faith/belief in God. How much faith does it take to believe there are an infinite number of universes and that by chance at least 1 of those must be perfect in every way to support such delicate life forms everything from Mayflies to humans? Sure science can postulate and theorize about all that, but man - that's a lot of trust in the luck of our solar system/earth/life in a theory. So My point, no matter the belief (God or no-god), both ideas take a large amount of faith (the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen)

Added in Good read