

"So it all started with a bottle of whiskey, and the extra confidence that comes when drinking said bottle. A friend of mine recently purchased an old fixer upper lake front property in central Saskatchewan and on top of that came up with a plan to get married on the lake a few months after purchase. He was over one night for some drinks, talking about how his future bride dreamed of walking down a curved staircase on the way to the altar. Not being a construction man himself he was lost in how he was going to make it happen and terrified by the cost to get it made by a contractor. Me feeling extra confident and cocky. Said "Oh I can do a curved staircase easy! No problem. By the way to save you some money for the big day i'll do it for material cost only!" Fast forward to the next day I'm thinking "Oh boy... I've never built a curved stair in my life, what did I get myself into"...This is the result of my big mouth, and ultimately a whiskey promise I wasn't going to fail at."

Added in DIY