

I remember seeing a "Wipe Off 5" campaign in Australia asking motorists to not drive 5k over the speed limit because it actually has a surprisingly dramatic effect on your ability to stop in time to avoid things. Pretty interesting stuff here.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 6 years, 3 months ago

    Weight would also play a factor in braking. When I pull a trailer full of whatever with my truck, I keep an extra long distance between me and any vehicle in front of me because I know it will take a greater distance to stop if needed.

    This is also why it is very unwise to cut in front of an 18-wheeler. A fully loaded, 80,000 lb. vehicle traveling at 70 mph needs a LOT of room to stop. My father taught me a long time ago that if you ever pass a semi, you do not move back into his lane until you can see the entire truck and trailer in your rear view mirror. This ensures the truck driver now has room to stop or at least avoid a collision should you suddenly have to decelerate.


    • brian

      brian 6 years, 3 months ago

      These are both great points. I never thought about the semi truck thing but it makes total sense and is kind of scary to think about frankly. This is enough for me to start doing the same, thanks for the tip.


      • Razorback

        Razorback 6 years, 3 months ago

        At 65 mph, a loaded semi needs about 200 feet more than a car to come to a stop. That is *IF* the truck driver is paying attention and reacts immediately.
