

The following are all the passages in the New Testament where Jesus condemns homosexuality (or even brings it up):

Hope that helps.


  • theycallmechad

    theycallmechad 11 years, 11 months ago

    Regardless of which side you're on, there is nothing gentleman-like about trying to ruffle a few political and religious feathers like you did with this tack. Being a gentleman is about offering mutual respect and showing class, not about intolerant and divisive ideas and language. Those belong in one of the thousands of special interest forums and sites scattered across the internet.


  • CHAM3LEON 11 years, 11 months ago

    Clearly a complete moron regarding Biblical theology. Bro before you try to be smart and slam the one true God, you should do a little more research. My guess is your gay, no room for gay dudes on a manly website, go to pintrest with the other girls.


  • macbaker

    macbaker 11 years, 11 months ago

    This is a very informative graphic. Since only one of these marriage types are considered acceptable today, are you saying by allowing same sex marriage, we are just opening the gates for all of these other kinds of marriage?

    Something to think about! I might like the marriage type that includes concubines, but I doubt my wife would ever go for it! She's so closed minded about such things!


  • gfahey 11 years, 11 months ago

    This makes me cringe and I pray (yes, I do indeed pray) that this isn't going to start a trend on an otherwise fine site like Gentlemint. This is taken from a militant gay site that mocks Christians and anyone opposed to their point of view. Hey, they can believe whatever they want to believe but, don't try and hijack a site like this with your hate-talk. I ask Gentlemint in a most gentlemanly way to "delete this comment". All that agree with me reply with a "Yea". Thanks for your time.


  • Loki

    Loki 11 years, 11 months ago

    While I agree with you guys, I must point out that there have been other political tacks made and nobody said anything about them.

    Goes to show... nothing invites opposition more than SSM and attacks against the traditional.


  • Gator1241 11 years, 11 months ago

    This site is about posting gentlemanly things that we mange to find in a society that is constantly trying to take them away from us. I think this graphic is tasteless, and an obvious attempt to pick a fight in a forum that is not designed for political conflict. I hope this gets removed and you crawl back into your hole. If you want to join us in celebrating manly things in life, you're welcome to do so, but something tells me you're no gentleman.


  • gfahey 11 years, 11 months ago

    @Loki.....This isn't about attacks on SSM. This is about a site (if you follow the links that take you to where this came from) that bashes and mocks Christianity and also provides a "dating" service. It has very graphic articles on "how to bottom" for starters. It's about a militant group that now sees Gentlemint as a vehicle in which to further their hateful agenda. That alone bothers me. Gentlemint is indeed about being a gentleman and I see this graphic as totally offensive. @Gator1241 said it well. This graphic provokes a fight and has nothing to do with the intent of Gentlemint. Unless I am missing something because it's still here. Myself? I feel strongly enough about this to leave this site if this remains. Islam condemns homosexuals to death. I wonder if that would be acceptable subject matter here? See where this can go? Nothing good out of this. Remove it. It tarnishes a good site that abounds with classier content than this. One wonders what is next from this poster if this stands.



    [email protected] 11 years, 11 months ago

    Gentlemen champion peoples' rights, they don't try to take them away and then hide behind post hoc scriptural literalism to justify their craven prejudice. While I respect criticism, it's hard to take people seriously when, for example, they accuse you of "politicizing" this website yet they have a post that compares the President (disrespectfully, I might add)to a dog, and they confuse being a gentleman with being a redneck.

    @Cody: Well said. My thoughts exactly when people resort to twisting the Bible to justify denying citizens basic rights that everyone else enjoys.

    @Dave Write: Your board has more than a few political postings, as well as a bunch of adolescent spank bank posters showing women kissing each other . Don’t preach to me you hypocrite.

    @theycallmechad: You are all comments and no pins. That’s called a “troll.” I would think that people who try to turn gays into second class citizens and “get their feathers ruffled” over alternative lifestyles are the intolerant ones.

    @Chameleon- the theological morons are the ones who claim to take the bible literally and are then appalled when you confront them with passages that are clearly NOT meant to be taken literally.

    @gfahey Posting bible quotes is hateful? And bashing gays isn’t? I’m not bashing the Bible- I’m merely quoting it. But yeah, I’m bashing hypocrites who claim that the Bible is on their side and then get their undies in a bunch when you point out what the Bible actually says. ME, I think the bible transcends spiritually and intellectually empty literalism. Like I said- you don’t hear Jesus bashing homosexuals. Not once. Not ever.

    @Gator1241: You don’t like it when society takes things away from you that you value? Like the right to marry? Crawl back into YOUR hole. I’ve seen what sort of things you value from your likes and pins, and I’m not impressed.
