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  • hayes_moore 11 years, 3 months ago

    Typical Louisville fan who has yet to differentiate between "your" and "you're." Do some research before you post things. The ref made the mistake and put the wrong guy on the line.


  • Todd73 11 years, 3 months ago

    It's hard enough for Kentucky fans to read, I did not want to confuse them by using an apostrophe (that is what the funny looking little mark is called). It is surprising, however, that cousin kissing, shuckey bean eating, coal dust licking, inbred mouth breathers are so concerned with proper spelling and grammar. I suppose that I should be glad that four decades of government hand-holding education efforts are finally paying off, now if you could only get back that sense of humor that was lost due to massive inbreeding you all would be all right. GO BIG BLUE!
