The Pedal Pub
Posted by glen from
Razorback, Rmhancock, Logan.Livers and 6 others like this
"This is the vehicle that accommodates up to 17 people who pedal, serve, drive, and imbibe as it travels. Invented in the Netherlands as a way to promote a local tavern, its high-grade steel chassis provides a reliable, safe, and open deck ideal for socializing. With five pedal seats per side, 10 pedalers propel the vehicle up to 5 mph on flat surfaces with grades up to 6%."
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Razorback 11 years, 9 months ago
Saw one of these in Nashville the last time I was there. Apparently it is pretty famous in those parts.">
glen 11 years, 9 months ago
There's one here in Lawrence, KS too :)
elancaster65 11 years, 9 months ago
Saw one of these in Bend, Or. last summer. Everybody on board seemed to be having a good time. The driver, alas, was not!