

The Senate on Wednesday defeated a vital background check amendment seen as the linchpin to Democrats' gun control bill, dealing a major setback to President Obama -- who lashed out at opponents in unusually blunt terms during remarks from the Rose Garden.

"All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," Obama said, accusing the gun lobby of lying about the bill.
The vote was 54-46, with supporters falling six votes short of the required 60-vote threshold.


  • kilroy182

    kilroy182 11 years ago

    The way I see it, 46 U.S. Senators voted as their constituents and their Oath to the Constitution demanded. 54 honor-less men and women proved they can not be trusted as guardians of our liberty.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years ago

    Don't flame me, I completely understand the NO NEW LAWS attitude. That was my first thought when I read about this bill last week. I have to say, though, Alan Gottlieb made a compelling case for this bill on Tom Gresham’s Guntalk Radio Show on Sunday. That's Alan F-ing Gottlieb, co-founder of the Second Amendment Foundation and anti-gun law legal hawkeye.

    It was revealing to find out that Mr. Gottlieb (or his direct representative) was part of the writing team. He’s a smart guy and I don’t think he’d be so enthusiastic if there was something wrong with it. He made it sound like both a strategic and tactical victory. We would have gotten stuff back! Like Tom said, “SOMEthing is going to pass, it might as well be good for us.” Alan thought we were dropping a poison pill on them. He said that if they tried to alter it too much we could always walk away and maybe that's what happened.

    My point is, maybe we should know everything about these things before we get our blood pressure up. It's not impossible that we didn't help ourselves in this skirmish.

    Find the show through iTunes or, maybe, at the Guntalk website. The three hour discussion following the Gottlieb interview is very interesting. I'll have to see if Tom did more research and wrote on it afterward, he was really taken by surprise by what Mr. Gottlieb told him during the interview.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years ago

    Oops, SEVEN different gun bill votes the other day? Glad to hear DiFi's bill only got 40, the lowest number of the bunch (should have been less).

    I was talking about the Manchin-Toomey Bill. Tom Gresham tweeted that "CCKRBA pulls support from Manchin-Toomey bill after rights restoration of rights part removed."

    FYI, During the Clinton Era, the ability to apply for restoration of gun ownership rights was eliminated. Returning that ability was one of the things we'd have had returned to us. Just because the bill wasn't perfect doesn't mean it couldn't improve things.

    If I didn't have an aversion to conspiracies, I might think that little ditty Clinton's juvenile delinquents got into law was an attempt to whittle down the number of potential gun owners in the U.S. All military personnel has to do is be diagnosed with PTSD or even say to a VA doctor, "I'm depressed" and they go straight to NICS, do not pass Go and do not collect $200. There was wording in the bill to correct that, one of the good things.
