

Personally, I still love the Maker and don't think that the difference between 84 proof and 90 proof is that big a deal. However, I love saving money. My new favorite is the Evan Williams vintage, the 2002 is great, and I'm a sucker for a wax seal. Although it's tough for me to drink, knowing what i was doing in 2002, I'm in college now so you do the math.

Added in Drinking


  • pduffie

    pduffie 10 years, 10 months ago

    They never dropped it FYI. Still my go to Bourbon but there are some great ones on that list. Eagle Rare, Four Roses and Elijah Craig are awesome


  • glen

    glen 10 years, 10 months ago

    FYI: Old Granddad was the whisky Brian and I nursed while hacking together the first prototype of Gentlemint.

    Great find MrCowgirl.


  • jeffpic

    jeffpic 10 years, 10 months ago

    Check up on Maker's, I don't think they are going to water anything down. In fact, I was impressed by their response to their fans. Anyway, I would paste a link but my internet is slow right now and I'm only on Gentlemint because I'm supposed to be studying...
