


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago

    He isn't far as he goes. The congress is bought...but the implication is that the president isn't. Riiiiiiight.


    • Razorback

      Razorback 10 years, 7 months ago

      I think he is trying to say the president has to have the balls to do it which the current one does not. Note the reference he makes to Roosevelt being the last one to do what needs to be done. I miss Teddy. :-)


      • Dhornet7

        Dhornet7 10 years, 7 months ago

        How old are you??? hehe


      • JakeLonergan

        JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago

        I was unable to get back to you sooner. Apologies. You might be able to infer that message in a vacuum but if you know where Ratigan is coming from that is not possible.

        Hugh Hewitt interviewed DR on his radio show the day after we wrote these comments and that is definitely NOT where he was going in this video. Hugh really boxed him in after he used the h-word like the commenter below. "But if the House has offered to let four hostages go and the Senate refused the offer, they can't be called hostages of the House anymore." "Not if the Senate is playing the long game." Oh, but they are still hostages if the House is playing the long game? Sorry, at this point the VA, Park Service (and the two others funded in the House bills, which I can't think of) are now effectively Senate hostages. That was the turning point in the interview, after that his true colors were on full display. Sadly, "the news" is totally carrying the water for the Regressives, as usual, so it's the "Republican shutdown". DR was not, and would not, imply any wrong-doing by the party apparatchik.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

    I am a staunch Conservative and refuse to watch the Liberal mouth piece that is MSNBC.....but.....this guy spoke a lot of truth. We have a crafty, Liberal controlled Oval Office and Senate that is offering up "free" everything to the people so that the people will keep them in office election after election and all of these "free" services are bleeding out country dry. The problem I have with my party, the Conservatives, is that they are playing right into the hands of Liberals and are allowing themselves to be vilified in the eyes of the people. Obama has a way of getting down to the level of the common man and telling him what he WANTS to hear and they love him for it. This, in turn, puts Conservatives in a position of having to tell said common man what he NEEDS to hear instead. People only like people who tell them what they WANT to hear. Not what they need.


    • duncanfj 10 years, 7 months ago

      I'm sorry, when did the Republican and Democrat parties change their names to Conservative and Liberal? Really, the conservatives are telling the common man what he needs to hear? The Affordable Care Act is here to stay. Congress approved it, the Supreme Court upheld it, the last guy to say he was going to repeal it (which he couldn't have done) lost the election by over 5 million votes. This isn't about conservative vs liberal. This is about people with power (politicians) doing and saying anything they can to keep the power they have and figuring out how to get more. And as long as either party is ruled by the extreme ends of the spectrum, this will only get worse.


      • Filadog

        Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

        My point exactly. Liberals want to tell the people everything they want to hear so that they can stay in power. I'm not taking all the blame from Conservatives because they have failed to get their point across to the people. If they really just wanted to stay in power, they would go along with the train wreck that is Obamacare. "Affordable Care Act" is the biggest misnomer ever. It's like mixing feces with peanuts and calling it peanut butter. Just because Obamacare was approved by Congress doesn't make it right. The Supreme Court upheld it only as a tax. Do we really need another damn tax in this country? Liberals want to make the people more dependent on the government because they are the government and that means they will stay in power. Conservatives need to change their tactic. Instead of trying to pass a bill that takes away funding for Obamacare, they should pass a bill that says if it is going to be law, it must be law fore EVERYONE. No exemptions for the politicians and unions who are pushing it yet don't want to adopt it themselves. Then, after having to live/die with it, Liberals will get rid of it themselves.

        And yes, it is very much Liberals and Conservatives now. Liberals such as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want a Socialistic Utopia that simply doesn't work and they want everyone who has a job to pay for it. If you have a job and vote Liberal, it wouldn't surprise me that you are also anti-gun because it is so common for you shoot yourself in the foot.


        • duncanfj 10 years, 7 months ago

          No, they didn't fail to get their point across. They are the ones trying to get power any way they can. They can shut down the government in an attempt to stop what a previous Congress, the Supreme Court and the American people, by a 5 million person majority, already approved. So they did. You completely missed my point. Reps and Senators, their aides DO have to purchase their health insurance from exchanges. Read the bill. Please don't make generalizations about me that make yourself look silly(ier). And try looking up what the word socialism really means. I'm tired of people using it incorrectly. See the quote from Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride.


          • Filadog

            Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

            You honestly believe that Conservatives are trying to get more power? They are the ones trying to LIMIT the government and it's power. Liberals want to make people more and more dependent on the government. A nanny state means they keep power.

            The reason the Gov't has shut down is because the Senate and the President won't compromise. Conservatives have sent 4 bills to the Senate that would keep the Gov't running but the Senate keeps shutting them down. Obama can talk and compromise with Russia and Iran but not members of his own country's government? He knows he can't compromise because he has already let his mouth over load his a** with his "red line" drew for Syria and came out looking like the weak sheep that he is.

            If you chose to take something I said as a generalization about you then I'm sorry you did. It wasn't my intention. But I stand by my comment that if a person has a job and actually works for a living, they are shooting them self in the foot if they vote for a Liberal.

            Socialism, Marxism or even Communism if you must, none of them work. Only Capitalism works which is why this country has gotten as far and great as it is. I'm sorry, but I busted my butt for many years and sacrificed a lot to get myself and my family in a comfortable position. I help my neighbors and I donate to charity for those who truly need help. For those who were out partying or sitting on the couch while I (and many other people in the country) was doing all that work but now want me to help pay for their healthcare, food stamps, etc... They can get off their dead a** and get a job. And for those who seem to want me to do that such as all those brain washed zombies who support Obamacare and eventually a single payer system, go right ahead, but you have no right to tell ME that I should take from my family just to keep up a free loader. You get too many parasites on a single host and eventually the host will die.


            • duncanfj 10 years, 7 months ago

              Discussing this with you is pointless. Calling people who take food stamps and get health insurance from the ACA parasites tells me pretty much all I need to know. You already pay for other peoples' health insurance. Just like you do with car, home and life insurance. Brainwashed zombies? Turn off Fox News, get info from somewhere else and maybe you could use that term. Next you'll be using sheep or sheeple.


              • Filadog

                Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

                Come work a day with me in the ER who come in one right after the other with their brand new phones, multiple tattoos, a new pack of cigarettes in their pocket, new Air Jordans on their feet and when I ask what they do for a living, they never have a job. But they will come to the ER for literally for a cough they have had for one day. Why, because they don't have to pay for it. Parasites? You bet.

                How about you turn ON Fox News and turn off all the liberal mouth pieces that pretend to be "news" stations. Or you can just stay in the herd with the rest.......of the sheeple.


                • duncanfj 10 years, 7 months ago

                  And thank you for making my point for me. Obviously only your experience in the world holds any validity. Have a lovely life.


                • haplessrogue 10 years, 7 months ago

                  Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

                  Furthermore if they want to repeal the ACA do it the right way. Gain a majority in the senate, get the White House and repeal it properly rather than allow a fanatical right minority within the GOP to hold the rest of us hostage. If that's accomplished then I've no problem with how it washes out.

                  Lastly, the concept of the Democratic Part as some kind of leftist organization is absurd and laughable. It's a center-right party at its core. Partically because they're unaware of global politics and partially because the US is a conservative nation to begin with.


            • JakeLonergan
    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago

      If we're stuck with "staunch" Libs should be stuck with "rabid".


  • Chet_Manly

    Chet_Manly 10 years, 7 months ago

    I believe the above comments are incorrect regarding the classification of the current administration. These people are Progressives, NOT Liberals. There is a huge difference. This administration wants to "nudge" us to modify our behavior and when the nudge doesn't work, they will begin to shove. This is called "Choice Architecture". So this crisis is not surprising. it is by design.

    it is not a matter of party versus party. Right now we have Progressives in both parties (McCain, Graham, Reid, Durbin, etc.) moving us along in the same direction, the only choice we have is how quickly we get there. Then there are a hand full of Libertarian minded individuals as the other option. The two party system is junk by design.

    The Progressive movement has a long and interesting history dating back to Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. I would just like to know:
    A: What are we progressing to and who will be in power when we get there?
    B: What will we lose in the process, because security and freedom are mutually exclusive and it is not possible to have both.

    Finally, someone alluded to socialism. I would like to state that I do believe that socialism is the perfect form of government, but only if humans are not in control. The problem is that socialism concentrates power and humankind is highly susceptible to being corrupted by power. So....who will be in charge when the tipping point arrives?


    • Filadog

      Filadog 10 years, 7 months ago

      Socialism is a great theory and look good on paper, but that's where it ends.

      "Socialism works great until you run out of everyone else' money." - M. Thatcher


      • JakeLonergan

        JakeLonergan 10 years, 7 months ago

        Progressive? Well, I guess as long as you control the verbiage I suppose you *can* control the low-information voter. At least, as long as it fits on a bumper sticker.


        • Chet_Manly

          Chet_Manly 10 years, 7 months ago

          Agreed. It seems that the best way to politically disguise a wolf in sheep's clothing, is by controlling the language (re-branding yourself) and controlling the message (media). Enough of the voting population doesn't seem to pay close enough attention or their memory is to short to notice.


      • Chet_Manly

        Chet_Manly 10 years, 7 months ago

        The most complete discussion on socialism is in economist F. A. Hayek's work "The Road to Serfdom"
        But that is only my opinion. With help by the Fed, there is no worry about running out of money....
