

So, tell me this isn't political.


  • High_Binder 10 years, 7 months ago

    'Bit of a misleading and inflammatory article in overall. USDA is still running and doing actual inspections.. FDA is more about prescription/otc drugs, food additives and the general safety of consumable products. The fact that USDA which does a whole shit-ton of direct boots on the ground inspections and sampling is not mentioned once in the article bring a few questions to mind.

    "FDA also monitors 80 percent of all U.S. food and especially imports"

    Not directly "monitor" per-se but assist in lab work etc and regulatory guidance, certification etc. Does about as much work with food as the CDC... That is to say that, It still does inspect subsistence and a variety of venues which fall under the FDAs jurisdiction, many if not all of those venues are also inspected by other agencies many of which are still receiving funding at least in part. The US customs guys alongside the port commission also do some things involving preventing certain types of consumables from ever getting to the consumers in the US in case of recalls etc. (or with fukushima stuff having had gone down all imports from that location were halted and turned back.)' <--causalityabandoned


    • kilroy182

      kilroy182 10 years, 7 months ago

      Thanks for this reply High_Binder, I know most people never get past the headlines they read. Yep, the government is shutdown... well 20% of the government is shutdown. The other 80 is still chugging away making everyone's lives miserable. But boy does that 20% whine and cry about being furloughed. Personally I think if someones job is 'nonessential' they ought to be fired, let them get a job in the private sector.
