

During Thanksgiving week, the Treasury Department announced a proposal to limit the political activity of 501(c)(4) groups. The Obama Administration claimed that the plan was necessary to clarify confusing tax laws.
The House Ways and Means Committee investigators believe that the proposal was designed by examining Tea Party group applications, figuring out exactly how they proceeded, then limiting those very actions in the new proposal, thus shutting them out of the political process.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 10 years, 4 months ago

    The guys who wrote the Affordable Care Act abomination want to "clarify" things? Yeah, right. They LIVE for transparency and clarification.

    Once again, was I audited last year for my Tea Party membership or because I donated to Romney? Both are now known to be the express line to the IRS auditors. And, yes, my local Tea Party group was one of those harassed by B-HO's goons.
