Well, duh! In Los Angeles we've been living this for years. I hope they go to that $15 minimum/"living" wage the "progressives" want; it will be hilarious to see people trying to figure out why a fast food hamburger costs $11. Let the market decide what a job is worth.
Too much of the low earning sector is subsidised by the state anyway, through various benefit and social programs. Cut sales taxes, cut state help, cut red tape and the job market will start to work.
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JakeLonergan 10 years, 6 months ago
Well, duh! In Los Angeles we've been living this for years. I hope they go to that $15 minimum/"living" wage the "progressives" want; it will be hilarious to see people trying to figure out why a fast food hamburger costs $11. Let the market decide what a job is worth.
elancaster65 10 years, 6 months ago
He uses big words and concepts but if you take a moment to read and understand that the minimum wage is only paid to a very small group of earners.
Chet_Manly 10 years, 5 months ago
Yes. Additionally, the higher the MW gets, the smaller that group becomes, as entry into the job market becomes more competitive.
sam_acw 10 years, 6 months ago
Too much of the low earning sector is subsidised by the state anyway, through various benefit and social programs. Cut sales taxes, cut state help, cut red tape and the job market will start to work.