

The media outlets have been lying to the public on the subject of games' link with violence for decades. Games offer an outlet for young people to get destructive urges out of their system in a largely consequence-free environment. Every kid with a gamepad in his hand is exactly one less youth on the street. Every guy playing WoW is one less creep to be worried about in the parking garage at night. Every paid subscription service like Xbox Live and WoW is one more reason for your kid to get a job and start paying for his own stuff. It really boggles my mind how the media can peddle any narrative that speaks to the contrary.


  • asray

    asray 9 years, 3 months ago

    While I certainly don't believe kids who play video games are destined for a life of crime, somehow I don't think more video games are the answer.

    With my kids I have a simple principle when it comes to this kind of thing: Garbage in, garbage out.


    • donald.barrett.37

      donald.barrett.37 9 years, 3 months ago

      My position is that video games are maligned for the wrong reasons. I'm all for cutting back on video games when it interferes with my studies. I'm just sick of people like Jack Thompson saying I'm going to shoot up a school or Anita Sarkeesian telling me being a gamer makes me a misogynist.
