

I've been saying for a while Kamela Harris is dirty... too bad the liberal media will just sweep this under the carpet too. This is a must read.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 9 years, 1 month ago

    Really? Kamela would do something like this? No WAY, Jose! She's as pure OK, she's the younger, female version of that idiot Eric Holder. And, yes, the "journalists" in the Democratic People's Republic of California will conveniently look the other way.



    • skilletboy

      skilletboy 9 years, 1 month ago

      Nailed it. It's amazing to me how few people are catching this story. Especially how the Dems are jerking themselves over the idea of vaulting her into the US Senate.

      She's as dirty as it gets.


      • JakeLonergan

        JakeLonergan 9 years, 1 month ago

        Then she's the perfect person to be our senator. Dumb as a bag of hammers, dirty, greedy, ambitious. She's right in the mold of our current elitists, er, "senators". I look forward to her federal indictment.
