

Added in Mountain Bike
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  • Razorback

    Razorback 8 years, 5 months ago

    We have a great trail system where I live. Unfortunately, the people on bikes often make it a horrible place to walk. They act as if they own the trail, ride as fast as they want and ignore lanes altogether. Then there's the Tour-de-France wannabes on the main roads who feel that every vehicle should bow to their whim. Funny how "share the road" does not apply to them. Guess all that spandex prevents oxygen from entering the brain.


    • egro 8 years, 5 months ago

      I've had the same issues with some bikes on trails near me when I'm running, having the non-bike perspective helps to make me more considerate when I'm the one on the bike.


  • Robochess 8 years, 5 months ago

    As a biker, I agree. Bikers are often very rude, both in how they treat other people, and how they treat mother nature. Not all of course, but many.


  • KrispyKritter 8 years, 5 months ago

    Where I'm at, it's not so much the bikers, but the dog owners. They won't shorten the dog's leash (f they're on a leash at all) when they walk by, so you have to judge for yourself if the dog is friendly or you have to step a safe distance off the trail. And then there's the shit they leave right on the trail itself, never to be picked up.
