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Bacon, cheese and caramelized onion, please!
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I just ate lunch and now I am hungry again. I wonder about those sliders though. A baguette is going to turn into hard toast when grilled. Probably more crunching than sliding. But I don't care. I would eat it anyway.
Check out this link for dozens of award-winning grilled cheese recipes --> http://www.grilledcheeseacademy.com/freebies">http://www.grilledcheeseacademy.com/freebies
Mmmmmm! Except the chocolate one.
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Razorback 7 years, 5 months ago
I just ate lunch and now I am hungry again. I wonder about those sliders though. A baguette is going to turn into hard toast when grilled. Probably more crunching than sliding. But I don't care. I would eat it anyway.
Check out this link for dozens of award-winning grilled cheese recipes --> http://www.grilledcheeseacademy.com/freebies">http://www.grilledcheeseacademy.com/freebies
marcopolo 7 years, 5 months ago
Mmmmmm! Except the chocolate one.