glen, Chet_Manly, elancaster65 and 1 other like this
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Classic Weird Al.
Love it. Just mentioned this in class this morning.
The inclusion of Donny Osmond in this video speaks to the brilliance that is Weird Al...
I am disheartened by how many of his need references I understand. Where this may make the song more humerous, it makes me feel like I have come wrong in my life somewhere.
From the collection Bananas:
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glen 7 years ago
Classic Weird Al.
ahnyerkeester 7 years ago
Love it. Just mentioned this in class this morning.
elancaster65 7 years ago
The inclusion of Donny Osmond in this video speaks to the brilliance that is Weird Al...
theycallmechad 7 years ago
I am disheartened by how many of his need references I understand. Where this may make the song more humerous, it makes me feel like I have come wrong in my life somewhere.