


  • bryclops

    bryclops 12 years, 3 months ago

    I wish you wouldn't put stuff like this up. This site should be about men improving themselves, not about catering to the worst part of their natures.


  • ShawnKing 12 years, 3 months ago

    As the site founders say, "We were having a great deal of fun with the site, so we decided to let a few friends in and try to make them laugh."

    It was a joke. One I found funny. One I think others would find funny. I'm sorry you don't find it funny.

    And what "This site should be about..." hasn't been decided yet by the founders, except for the above comment so I bet I'm still in the ball park.

    BTW, you assume the "Death" character is for the guy in the wedding picture. How sexist and presumptuous of you. :)
