

Have you ever been faced with a choice and not known what to do? Hopefully this will help some

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  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 11 years, 9 months ago

    Friesen's book freed me from the tyranny of "God has a specific plan for your life. Now go out and find it!" I know God has plans for my life but has given me all I need to figure out right from wrong, good from bad...


  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 11 years, 9 months ago

    I can never know God's sovereign will. It's His alone. It's revealed as it and after it happens. God's moral will is laid out in Scripture. Outside of those will's, I have a Free Will and guidelines within which to use it.

    Freisen was masterful in this book. Cannot recommend it enough for recovering Fundamentalists!
