

I was talking with a friend yesterday who was all giddy about installing beehives in his backyard. Why would anyone do that I wondered? He went on to explain that a single hive can produce over 250 pounds of honey a year! Wow, who knew. It also is a remedy for a ton of aliments. Not only can you treat yourself to a tasty snack, but it can be used as a skin moisturizer, antiseptic, acne remover, energy booster, etc. Apparently it’s the wonder material of nature.

So whether you want to be the Bear Grill’s of beekeepers or simply brag that now own bees, start by picking up a Backyard Beehive from Williams Sonoma. You’ll get a custom-designed, three-box, eight-frame wooden hive with beeswax-coated Rite-Cell foundations, a manly helmet with a anti-bee veil, a pair of large gloves, a stainless steel hive tool for lifting, prying, and scraping, a wooden bee brush, a stainless steel smoker, and an entrance feeder — everything you need to build your own little bee empire.

BUY NOW – $500